Top 6 Key Benefits Of Advertising Research In 2024

Key Benefits Of Advertising Research will be described in this article. Discover the 6 key benefits of advertising research below and learn why advertising research is used to evaluate and monitor a brand’s advertising, whether that be how well an advertising campaign is doing, what the most effective mediums or which advertising concepts to use are.
Advertising research is basically used for strategic and evaluative purposes at pre, during and post execution phases in order to support the appeal of advertising executions to a target audience, whilst keeping within the values of a brand so it’s instantly recognised by the audience. The research is normally carried out via secondary research (ad spend, platforms used and digital analytics), surveys and qualitative methods and are quite often combined techniques for an advertising research project.
Top 6 Key Benefits Of Advertising Research In 2024
In this article, you can know about Benefits Of Advertising Research here are the details below;
1. Improves creativity
Creativity benefits from advertising research particularly in the early stages when comparing advertising concepts to see which one appeals and resonates more with your audience. Also, further refinements can be made on the back of the research to the winning ad concept before it is launched, otherwise you will miss your opportunity in engaging with your target audience with the right ad concept and resources will be wasted.
2. A better approach and time to address the target audience
In finding the most suitable times and mediums to reach your audience, which helps when there are budget constraints for a better return of investment. So, for example, the research will enable you to see whether it is better to advertise on certain social media platforms rather than using PPC ads on Google or radio ads and when is the best time to reach your audience via these mediums.
3. Keeps an eye on any progress made
You can keep track of main KPI measures such as awareness, purchase intent or brand image as mentioned before research is done at different intervals to see how they compare and if it has increased over time. This will enable you to make interventions if necessary and help to improve future ad campaigns.
4. Rate a brand’s image
Enables a brand to see how their brand image stacks up against their competitors in the market amongst their target audience. You can see how your audience associates your brand versus your main competitors across various brand attributes such as being innovative, good value for money and providing a high-quality service.
This is great if you have on-going brand research and you can see if your ad campaigns are having an effect in improving brand perceptions or changing certain perceptions amongst your target audience. Also, you see the level of agreement if you are using a 5-point scale question for each of the brand perceptions especially those relevant to your marketing objectives for running the ad campaigns.
5. Limits the chances of not doing well
The research carried out may highlight unforeseen problems that you can address or take an alternative approach. This is much better than not doing any research at all where it boosts your brand’s chances of success. It basically gives you the insights to help you tackle these unexpected issues, which could a problem with the ad messaging (unclear or negative connotations) or the audience reach is lower for the channels that you were going to use. Also check Double Entry Bookkeeping & Accounting
6. Envisages any problems that can be tackled early on
This is connected to the above point and allows you some flexibility. So rather than hindsight of where you went wrong or could have done better and feeling you wasted time and resources, you can gain insights in picking up any unexpected problems that can be resolved quickly and efficiently.
Advertising research objectives
Carrying out this type of research serves many purposes for individuals and businesses.
The main objectives of advertising research will tend to be the following:
To increase awareness
To boost awareness of a service or product that is being promoted.
In establishing whether attitudes about the brand have improved
Help to identify if attitudes about the brand have improved following the ad campaign. Basically, research is undertaken in separate phases, where the pre campaign research results serves as a benchmark that the findings taken during and post campaign are compared against.
To increase sales revenue
Increase in sales of a product or service where the brand’s target audience have been exposed to the advertising campaigns with awareness and call to actions messaging. Also check Benefits of Display Advertising
In creating a buzz to generate greater media coverage
In generating greater media coverage from the advertising campaign. Perfect examples are on social media to see if the ads have created a buzz such as Christmas ads from supermarket brands.
Key take away
Given a large amount of money being spent on advertising then it’s invaluable not to overlook doing advertising research and drawing on its benefits to ensure a better return of investment.