
Top 5 Mistakes of Web Design

Every brand needs to take the help of web design to make their website stand out among the rest. A professional website is a central and essential requirement to gain new customers. It also helps to establish credibility and foster client relationships. A very effective website provides a user-friendly experience, helps generate a lot of leads, and attracts customers with ongoing sales. However, many websites make quite a few mistakes in their web design and should be fixed for the smooth and proper functioning of the website. However, before doing this, we should decide the goals, target customers, ways to drive the traffic, maintenance and update cost, etc.


1. Lack of Perfect Header Design: Web page header design is the first thing people will notice when they visit a particular website. It should always be unique and perfect so that the attention of users is easily caught. We should thoughtfully select the colors and the styles because the header is responsible for setting the tone of the entire website. Saas website design inspiration can help a lot in getting inspiration regarding the design. The header should be included with enough information to encourage the customers to explore the website further.

2. Lack of Perfect Call to Action: One of the biggest mistakes that can be made while designing a website is the lack of a call to action. Users have the best experience on those websites that answer their ‘what’, ‘where’, and ‘how’? The perfect web design in every sense tells users what they should do, where they should go, and how they should feel. SaaS website design inspiration helps determine how the websites should be designed to drive maximum traffic. Some of the CTA often used by most websites are Contact Us, Get Started, Add to Cart, Buy Now, etc.

3. No Analytics: Websites need to have analytics using which we can measure performance. Almost 75% of the websites used by small businesses do not use analytics to track their performance. The website should always be thought of as an investment. One of the best investments that we can make is including metrics in the website to track performance and success quickly. Generally, brands use Google Analytics to track their performance. Every good brand has the facility to check its performance. However, many newly created websites lack this apart from lacking a good web page header design.

4. Unclear Messaging: One of the main reasons people stick to a particular website is its clear brand messaging. A lot of websites are unaware of this, and they do not follow this strategy. It leads to stunted growth and eventually failure. The key to the best brand messaging is storytelling. The users should feel themselves getting involved in the story on an emotional level. The message should not be like the generic message that almost every brand sends out to their customers. It should stand out so that new users are attracted to it. The values and beliefs should be different too.

5. Weak SEO: Weak SEO is one of the main reasons for the downfall of any website. SEO plays a vital role when it comes to increasing traffic on any website. We can use SaaS website design inspiration to take ideas on how we can use SEO to make the website appear on the top of the search engines. High ranking does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of effort in the right direction for a website to be successful. We should focus Long-tail keywords upon them as they help a lot in generating traffic to any website.


As you can expect, the header contributes to trust and looks. The user understands the authenticity of the site with this header, trusts the site, and proceeds with it. You have to note this specifically if you are developing a site involving payment perspectives. Web page header design is one of the most important aspects of generating massive traffic on any particular website. SEO plays an equally important role as well. Without Search Engine Optimization, the website will not appear on the top, generating less traffic. We should avoid mistakes in web design at all costs.

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