With the development of technology, the labor market is undergoing significant changes. Robots and computers are already doing better than humans, and their role in everyday life will only grow. According to scientists from the University of Oxford, almost half of the jobs in the US will be replaced by computers in the next 10-20 years.
Still, many people don’t keep up with all those new trends. They choose irrelevant majors, and their perspectives are declining. If you want your future profession to be appreciated and highly paid, it is necessary to monitor changes and take up those majors that show the best predictions.
This article aims at revealing majors that are going to be unnecessary in a couple of years. Indeed, it is better to choose some modern areas and spheres even though they may not be conventional.
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There are some heated debates around this topic. Will the profession of accountant be completely unnecessary in the future? Here, we have to dwell on several reasons why and how this job will gradually disappear from the market.
- The first reason is control. Indeed, the need for accountants will disappear, both from government agencies and from commercial organizations. Electronic documents will replace paper ones.
- The second reason is technology. Manual labor is becoming less and less relevant. So, a highly professional approach to dealing with technology is no longer needed. Today, even a non-professional entrepreneur in accounting and taxes can submit reports using basic services.
- The third reason is the market. Competition between accountants and outsourcing companies is also growing. To ensure a “wow effect” and not to lose money, a business must cut costs. And as soon as there is an opportunity to save money on accounting, entrepreneurs will use it.
- The fourth reason is quality. The human factor plays one of the most important roles in accounting. The mistakes can affect the entire operation of the enterprise. Though, most likely, accountants do not make them intentionally. That’s just manual labor. Therefore, any entrepreneur understands that if automated processes can replace manual labor, the quality will increase.
This sphere is extremely triggered not only by the rapid development of technology but also by the global pandemic. Of course, quarantine led to lockdown, so both schoolchildren and students are studying in front of their screens. On the one hand, it is a deteriorating factor for their self-perception and social life. On the other hand, it is unlikely that the sphere of education will ever regain its usual structure.
Attitudes towards education are now changing rapidly. Nowadays, you can learn anything remotely. The process of education has become more individualized, and the curriculum – more capacious. New teaching methods using IT technologies are also gaining momentum.
Therefore, instead of usual teachers, we will be taught by coordinators of online educational platforms, tutors, and game educators.
Financial Sphere
Employees in the banking sphere and data processing professions will become less popular. Why? Many banks are already creating quality programs that are accessible and understandable to any user. Large corporations are already planning to close some offices to cut costs. Such jobs as intellectual property appraiser and developer of personal pension plans will appear in the financial sphere.
Most large corporations are starting to cut the position of secretary. The entire workflow is carried out electronically, in one click. Documents are automatically sent to specific addresses, electronically signed, and stored in cloud archives.
Entertainment Industry
Even though entertainment is closely related to creativity and imagination that are the characteristics of a person, not a computer, these spheres will also be modified.
The development of technology and automation can affect the work of restaurant and hotel administrators, cinema workers, and fitness club coaches. There are already many programs and sites where anyone can book a hotel or freeze a gym club card.
The sphere of tourism will also be automated. Travel agencies are in the twilight of their professional career. All the paperwork, registration of tours, and vouchers have become possible via the Internet. There exist many websites and systems for the selection and purchase of the most profitable tour. Well, when you can organize a tour in a split second using any gadget, the choice is obvious.
The development of online sales and customer-oriented advertising, as well as automatic cash registers in stores, will lead to the disappearance of such professions as a salesman, cashier, direct sales manager, and sales agent.
Of course, it does not mean that studying these spheres is of no use. The point is that the programs and materials taught at universities seem outdated, so it is worth considering courses. Many successful marketing specialists completed specific courses to get knowledge and skills. Why then waste precious time if it is possible to learn more relevant information quicker?
What Professions Are Already Beginning to Disappear?
Several jobs are losing their relevance without any chance to return them. Let’s dive into a concise list of them.
- Lawyer-consultant. Indeed, most of the answers can be found on legal sites.
- Librarian, archivist. The duties of such employees are completely transferred to network management.
- Travel agent. More and more people have begun to organize their leisure and prefer individual tourism.
- Journalism. In a few years, journalists will write only authorial material, which requires creativity and an original view of the situation.
Final Words
First of all, workers deprived of any economic, political, or even artistic value run the risk of losing their jobs. Thus, one needs to be flexible and adapt quickly to the changing working environment. If you adhere only to conservative beliefs, there is a risk of staying on the periphery and becoming unnecessary in the labor market. So, before entering the university, make sure to study your future working opportunities in detail.