Innovation in the digital marketing space has been intense in recent years as brands worldwide compete for the attention of online audiences. Videos are a proven way to create more engaging user experiences for custom apps, web pages, blogs, and social media. Whether you’re helping to market a small business or large enterprise, screen recordings can be a valuable way to deliver your brand message. For example, research shows that you can increase conversions on a landing page by up to 80% by including a video.
In this post, we’ll review four innovative ways that screen recordings can be leveraged during marketing campaigns. Videos are an excellent medium for delivering a clear message that’s tailored to the needs of a particular target audience. When used to produce marketing videos, screen recordings are a convenient way to highlight product features and service offerings. Marketing campaigns today make use of many media types, and video is emerging as one of the most effective.
1. Educate Customers
Screen recordings are an excellent way to educate prospects and customers at any step of the sales processes. For example, a potential customer could be introduced to your brand using a product demo video captured with screen recording. A video allows you to share a lot of information in a relatively short amount of time, which is convenient for viewers as well. Screen captures can also be used to create training videos, support desk resources, new customer orientation overviews, and how-to videos.
When designing your screen recordings, you have complete control over the look, feel, and content of each piece. You can also supplement your video recording by adding additional audio clips, music, superimposing text, and graphic overlays. Like any video content, your clips should be concise, relevant, and interesting to watch.
2. Communicate Your Brand Story
Many consumers today expect to have access to video content that describes your brand story and the mission and values of your organization. A screen recording can be used to differentiate your offerings from competition and explain the value proposition in a compelling and easy to understand way. You can also develop an omnichannel marketing campaign that repurposes content for sharing across blogs, social media, emails, and websites. Many businesses also mix screen recordings into other video clips that may also include animations and live-action shots. Screen recordings are also an excellent choice to use during new product launches or updates when you may have to introduce completely new and innovative features to your audience.
3. Improve Audience Targeting
Because screen recordings can be created quickly and with a minimal budget, they’re an excellent resource to use when experimenting with marketing tactics. For example, it would be possible to create two versions of a video and conduct A/B testing on a landing page or other location to determine which performs better. Since videos can also be tracked using advanced analytics, it’s possible to optimize not only your video content, but also labeling, delivery, and streaming. This provides many valuable marketing insights, including gaining a better understanding of video abandonment, engagement, and campaign effectiveness.
4. Speak Directly to Customers
Unlike printed materials including text and images, a video creates a continuous experience for the viewer. In this way, videos have become popular for their ability to quickly command attention and then hold it for more than a few seconds. A screen recording can be used to speak directly with an audience when sharing product demos or reviews. Each video should always include a clear call to action to direct viewers on what to do next.
When producing a screen recording, it’s possible to turn on the computer camera and simultaneously record a person alongside the screen for a more personal touch. This can create a more natural and inviting feeling for a video and help a viewer connect with the message. Cold introductions can be a challenging and low-return strategy for many marketing campaigns, but an embedded screen recording can help to improve the user experience and improve conversion rates. Another benefit is that you can create a single screen recording to reach an unlimited number of viewers. Having a person-to-person interaction with every prospect or customer to cover the same information would take substantially more time – and budget.
Screen recordings are an accessible and modern way to add video to a marketing project with a reasonable cost and time investment. Video quality has also improved greatly in recent years, and it’s easier than ever to stream high-quality content on nearly any device. Marketers who invest in screen recording technology have access to a reliable set of tools for creating videos that truly speak to customers.